A Lady was the wife of someone with a social ranking of Gentry or higher. A Lady had Authority over anyone of a lower social rank than her husband.
The modern version of a Lady would be the partner of a successful affluent individual or child of an affluent family.
When a successful man is with an attractive woman, his title and affluence are shared with her, and vice versa, as her attractive vibrance vitalizes his zest for life. Both partners are able to bring the best out of each other by sharing their energy and social class.
Below is a brief description of the traditional class hierarchy overlaid by our modern sociological classes.
Approximate where you stand right now, decide where you would like to be, then achieve it. Take into account that you can share class with your family or partner. Class can be held individually, but true class has been and will always be about Family. In the traditional system, class in inherited. So if your parents are peasants than you will be a peasant, period. You could not change your class! Wars were fought for social mobility. Now in our new modern culture of social mobility, our class is determined by our merit. Class is achieved through competition in a financial meritocracy. You can rise up this new class ladder just as fast as you can fall down it. Class is now passed down through financial inheritance. If you inherit debt from your perents then oyu are ecentiallly inheriting peasanthood, or if you are born into a life of finacial privilage and inheritance then you esentially inherit your parents class based on how their Net Worth. Of course you can blow the company you inherit or build it into a bigger compny to leave to your kids, or you can be left debt, pay it off and build your oen company or get a great gentlmans job.
Elevate yourself by creating a family or choosing a partner in the class you would like to be in.
(Class titles are approximated and are provided for reference purpose only)
Traditional – King of Kings. Someone who rules multiple Nations. Modern political – President. Modern financial – Net Worth $1T+
Traditional – Someone who rules a Nation. Modern political – Governor or Prime Minister. Modern financial – Net Worth $250B+
Traditional – Someone in line to rule a Nation. Modern political – Senator. Modern Financial – Net Worth $100B+
Traditional – 2nd – 3rd in line to rule a Nation. Modern Political – Metropoulos Mayor. Modern financial – Net Worth $50B
Traditional – 4th to 10th in line to rule a nation. Modern political – Congressman. Modern financial – Net Worth $25B+
Traditional – Rules a County. Modern Political – County Mayor. Modern financial – Net Worth $10B+
Traditional – Rules a Township. Modern political – City Mayor. Modern financial – Net Worth $5B+
Traditional – Rules a rural Barony. Modern political – Town Mayor or member of City Council. Modern financial – Net Worth $1B+

Traditional – Richest Merchants. Modern financial – Venture Capitalist, Investment Bankers. Upper Elite Class, Net Worth $500M+
Traditional – A Knight was a general with an army and a castle. Modern financial – Large business owners or multiple business owners. Elite Class, Net Worth $50M+
Traditional – A Squire was a Knights attendant, training to become a Knight himself. Modern financial – An Esquire, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Partners in a Law Firm, Upper High Class, Net Worth – $5M+
Traditional – The Gentleman, a member of the Gentry, a Gentry Man. Lowest class who’s wife held the title of Lady (“Ladies and Gentlemen”). Doctors, Lawyers, Scribes. Modern financial – High Class, Net Worth $1M+
Traditional – A Yeoman with significant savings and investments. Someone who owned a house and a cottage. Modern financial – Upper Middle Class Salary $100k+, Net Worth $500k+
Traditional – A Yeoman was the Skilled Labor Class. Tradesman, Secretaries, Accountants. Modern financial – Middle Class, Salary $75k+
Traditional – A Husbandman was a Peasant who owned land. Typically a farmer who owned his own farm. Modern financial – Upper Low Class, Owns a home or has savings, Salary $50k+
Traditional – A Peasant was the Labor Class who worked daily to support themselves and their families. There is dignity in hard work! You support the world, yourself and your family! Modern financial – Low Class. Anyone living paycheck to paycheck with no savings.
The Homeless

You could work alone to raise your class. You could sell your body and/or your mind and save up and invest to raise your class. Or you can raise your class instantly, right now, simply by making the decision to create a profile on this website, meet the right individual or family and start living the life right now.
You are good enough to Live The Life of a Lady right now. Complete your profile and catch the eye of a successful Gentleman. A Knight in Shining Armor to sweep you off your feet and whisk you away into a magical world of dreams and possibilities.